Friday, July 21, 2006

Microsoft is ready to release their new Zune brand and spread the joy and goodness to the world, or so Microsoft executives would say. Now I am not exactly sure what is detailed in the Zune brand. All I know for sure is that it will include a new mp3 player from Microsoft that they will attempt to use to kill the iPod or at least take some of the marketshare(may I be the first to say if the mp3 player is cheaper then the iPod with the same amount of storage put me in line for it) and some sort of iTunes rivaling store. I don't know if WMP 11 is included in the Zune brand, tip of the hat to Microsoft for it regardless, but it is definitely going to be co-operating with it. Also there are plenty of rumours of a Portable gaming device coming from microsoft to compete with the PSP and in their dreams, the DS(also Sony's dreams as well). I think that this entire Zune thing may just be an attempt by Microsoft to take market share away from their two biggest competitors, Apple and Sony.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

EA not pure evil?

Normally I am just as anti-EA as every other gamer. But I am beginning to ask myself why am I so anti-EA what did they do to deserve to be the Evil corporation in gaming. Now of course some people might be like "Well duh because they have a monopoly on gaming." True EA does have a monopoly on gaming, but who gave EA the money to make such a monopoly. The gamers, quite simply EA has been making good games since they started. They decided to take the money from these games and turn it into a massive gaming empire with good games coming out in every genre. And so far they've been fairly successful, not only in the games they make but the companies they decide to add to their gaming empire. They've acquired recently, Mythic Entertainment probaly one of the best MMO Developers in the industry, Valve the creators of Half Life 2, and Criterion the creators of Renderware. Now with the exception of Criterion these are top-notch developers and the best at what they do. If you don't believe me then try to put Half Life 2 or Dark Age of Camelot away after one hour. It's nearly impossible to do it. Even before then EA had excellent developer firms and developers under their wing. Think of games like The Sims 2, Spore, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, Madden, MVP, SSX, All the street games, Need for Speed, Battlefield 1942, Command and Conquerer, I could go on and on and on. The point I am trying to make is that EA is not as evil as everyone thinks they are, they are just smart business men with a good eye for developers. Note this does not make me now a EA fanboy, just purely stating facts.