Monday, July 23, 2007

Home is where the heart is...

Ahh, Playstation Home what a beautiful service you are. Sure you're a bit like Second Life and maybe the Sims but unlike those games you are real. Your graphics aren't silly child stuff they are real and beautifully textured and modeled. Home will have thousands of spaces that look almost better than our own Homes. Such places as this Japanese-style home or perhaps an apartment from the top of a city skyline. But one of the best parts is the potential, Sony has already announced that there will be games like pool and bowling and various arcade games, not to mention various exclusive events like game previews and developer interviews. Although not much has been said on game previews my guess is they will take place in specialized Home Theatres where chat bubbles from the audience will probably be banned as to prevent blocking someones view or to keep the crowd to just emotes. These may be free or pay-for events and will hopefully keep game news constantly flowing instead of being limited to several key conferences. But more importantly that that these services make us the gamer feel like we're part of something because we get this news faster than our buddies who may not have the fortune of owning a PS3. Where I see the Home service going is in an exciting direction where we may have user groups that can have their own sports team and hopefully Sony will add Home Soccer, Baseball, Football, .etc so that we can have fun just in Home if we want and not just use it as a channel to the real games. Then maybe the trophies can become a symbol of Home achievements and not just our outside-Home achievements. That's really all I have to say about least until I get my hands on the Beta.

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