Saturday, May 09, 2009

Obama hate

A lot of people have been bagging on Obama lately for a variety of things, I've heard healthcare, assault weapon ban, spending, .etc. He's a little over a 100 days now and I know that's generally the criteria for a president but even at this point he's mostly fixing all of the shit from the Bush administration. There's a couple things I like about him aside from his 40+ CHA stat. The WTO president said that the America's economy could possible grow by the end of the year, that's fairly impressive, and I think it'd be fairly naive to say that Obama didn't help that at all.  There's a lot of people that bash spending money, but if we look at history we'll find it's a good idea. We've had recessions and depressions before. During the Great Depression FDR dealt with it by spending a shit-ton of money. The New Deal was fairly similar to what Obama is doing now. There was some bad and some good, but it took 50 years for us to run into another recession. Reagan dealt with that by having a bunch of tax cuts and cutting back spending, 20 years later we're in another recession. Some might say this just means spending prolongs the inevitable and there should be another fix, I think it's just an inevitable side effect of capitalism and world trade. As far as the assault weapon ban goes, I disagree with it, as do a lot of people, and Obama said it's not gonna happen. That's right, a U.S. President listened to the people. I find that to be a good enough reason to hold off on the hate. 

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